Introduction to rubber processing and safety issues
Compounding involves the measuring and mixing together of raw rubber, process oils, carbon black, bulk fillers, and rubber chemicals in pre-determined proportions, termed formulations.
A rubber compounder can typically use between 100 and 200 different ingredients to mix a range of formulations. The finished mixture is known as compound and is the material that is processed into rubber articles by moulding, extrusion, calendering etc.
A hydrostatic system uses fluid pressure to transmit power. Hydrostatics deals with the mechanics of still fluids and uses the theory of equilibrium conditions in fluid. The system creates high pressure, and through a transmission line and a control element, this pressure drives an actuator (linear or rotational). The pump used in hydrostatic systems is a positive displacement pump. The relative spatial position of this pump is arbitrary but should not be very large due to losses (must be less than 50 m). An example of pure hydrostatics is the transfer of force in hydraulics.
In oil hydraulics, we deal mostly with the fluid working in a confined system, that is, a hydrostatic system.